How Couples Can Cope with a Man’s Lost Interest in Sex
The concern is more common than you may realize, and some surprising issues can contribute to the problem.
What Does It Mean to Be Good in Bed?
Being a good lover is important to many. But what does that really mean?
7 Keys to Enjoying Sex More
There’s a lot you can do to increase your sexual pleasure. And the good news is, if it’s good for your sex life, it’s usually good for you and your life more generally.
The Sex Robots are Coming!
There are social trends today that may facilitate the popularity of sex robots. Both single and partnered folks are having less sex than in the past. Sexual concerns and dysfunctions remain as high as ever.
Acting Your Age Between the Sheets
For a natural act, sex can be surprisingly challenging. It is remarkably easy to feel threatened, hurt, rejected, or self-conscious in intimate moments.
Making Love with Your Clothes On
Want to improve your sex life? The next time you are going to make love, KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON. I mean, for the entire experience. Forget about penetration, orgasm, and all that jazz that distracts us from what the experience is really about.
Maturity is Sexy!
An appreciation of what a mature woman can bring to the bedroom is part of this attraction.
When She’s Stronger Than Her Man in Bed
Sex is compelling for many different reasons. It can relieve a physical desire, enable a deep, intimate connection with another, and provide an opportunity to experience erotic sensations and emotions that we don’t feel in day to day life. Vulnerability and surrender are two such examples.